Heya! I'm


or Frosty10001 in 90% of online spaces.

I use they/them and I do lots of things.

Game design & development Write Art Animate Program Graphic design Video edit Frontend web dev Web analytics Charity marathons Event organizing Dungeons & Dragons

Maybe too many things.

Video Editing

Saw these on the homepage? They're good examples.

A PSA safety training animation made for Zeldathon

A parody video made for Zeldathon Mod Training

A D&D video for a music cover I did

A humorous short "bumper" made to be played between segments at Zeldathon

A D&D video for a music cover I did; don't mind the bad singing

These videos from my YouTube channel are all 8+ years old, but still aren't bad to this day:

Web & Graphic Design

Web design often paired with front-end development

Saw these on the homepage? They're good examples.

Art Portfolio

I'm character-focused and love coloring

Pages of a Storybook

A short story I wrote in 2019 of my Guild Wars 1 characters after they recently married. It's dialogue-only, it's fluff, it's wholesomely gay, and it's saccharine.

“Why’d you disappear from me like that? I was afraid I lost you.”
“Really? I thought you… that you ran away! To Beetletun! Or… or even further west!”
“Whose sleeping quarters are these? Simon… This is a guardsman’s room.”
“Lion’s Arch is still recovering from the White Mantle raid. Couldn’t you have just rented a room at the inn?”
“Hish, this is Figo’s—”
“Simon, we just got married a week ago. Why didn’t you tell me where you were going?”
“Hish, please hold on a moment…!”
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.”“I don’t—I felt overwhelmed. There was so many people.”
“It was our wedding Simon.”
“A lot of folk kept asking us things. So many questions. ‘When’s the honeymoon?’ ‘Were you inspired by Kieran’s wedding?’ ‘Does that mean the heroes of Tyria are quitting?’”
“I don’t know how to answer them… Why did you invite everyone?”

“Simon. Sigmund. If I could have, I would have filled Nebo to the brim with people to attend our wedding. You know that, love.”
“You defeated the undead Vizier in the gods damn Realm of Torment. You had died in Cantha and then returned to life to kick Shiro Tagachi and his plague in the ass. You rescued me from Varesh’s demons, helped me recover my memories, find my missing family, and even entered into the Realm of Torment again to destroy a god!”
“Do I need to mention the Mursaat? Or the Great Destroyer?”
“My husband—the man I love—sometimes I feel like I could blink and lose you to the pages of a storybook.”
“You rallied thousands of people to gather their courage and make a stand. Your heart reached to hundreds more. Your allies—our allies placed our unwavering trust and loyalty to you. And you led them to achieve the peace we needed in Tyria.”
“So… yes. Our allies—our friends care about us. They care about you. They want to see you happy. When I told Mhenlo my idea about proposing to you, he was so delighted!”
“Y-You told Brother Mhenlo?”
“He praised Dwayna over a dozen times for answering his prayers.”
“…I know how important having our friends and family there was for you.”
“It was nice."
“No buts, Hish."
“I would have preferred a secluded place. Perhaps getting married alone. In front of the same Statue of Dwayna, maybe. Yet… being with you is all that I could have asked for.”
“Gwen suggested that, didn’t she?”
“The getting married alone part? Hah, yes, she did. She knows how much people can scare me.”
“Thank you.”
“For one, not breaking down into tears immediately when we exchanged our wedding bands.”
“I’m sor—”
“Shh, Simon.”
“Second, for braving the ceremony. For letting me plan the entire occasion. For trusting in me to do that.”
“I know you need your moments to cool down… Just… just tell me next time you’re going to vanish from a crowd, okay? I could go without the heart attack of a missing husband.”
“I’ll try.”
“Have you been writing here, love? What is this?”
“Hish, w-wait…!”
Dear Sergio,
Dwayna has guided me through a multitude of trials and tribulations. She has led me on a path to reignite the light for many, and for that, I am ever grateful to continue to be a conduit of her will.
I feel the breeze of change coming from Cantha, and such vibrant growth calls for new heroes willing to make that important step in their journey. If I were younger… and not married, I would perhaps heed that call, for Dwayna would likely fear for her children’s health and hope for their safety.
But over five months ago I acted as Queen Salma’s herald in escorting Kryta’s people to shelter and aided in the defense of Lion’s Arch against the White Mantle. And on that fated day, Dwayna blessed me with my thirty-third birthday. I still vividly remember the Searing of my home eight years ago and my fate intertwined into healing the lives of many.
So today I must write to you that I intend on shifting perspective. I want to enrich my husband’s life and establish a new home so that we can settle down. Permanently.
Firstwatch, I have not asked much, but I pray that this letter finds you in good health and in good conscious to lend us a few strong Lionguard to aid us in the construction of a new home in Bergen Hot Springs. Its waters are beyond rejuvenating, and I wish to refresh its lands as a safe stop for pilgrims of all kinds along with my husband Hisham.
Yours sincerely,
Sigmund Frostenwelde
“I-It’s… it’s not the final draft…!”
“Is this true Simon?”
“Should... should I…? I wanted to r-revise it before delivering it. I could discard it.”
“Bergen Hot Springs?”
“You… you proposed to me there. It’s really meaningful for me.”
“No. Don’t discard it.”
“Huh? Hish, are you crying?”
“N-No, of course not! Hahaha, oh my Simon! It’s perfect! I’d love to spend the rest of my days there with you!”
“Every day that I wake up to see your beautiful blue eyes is a day I know I can tackle with all my might!”
“Hehe, oh, you.”